Bandung International Student Film Festival (BISFF)

Bandung International Student Film Festival (BISFF) is a film festival initiated by Film and Television Study Program at Faculty of Art and Design Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung – Indonesia. This film festival provides an opportunity for filmmakers who are still student (high school, undergrad and graduate student films) in various countries. Films that have successfully passed the judging will be screened in festival activities that will take place in the city of Bandung – Indonesia.

BISFF is a public activity that involves various parties in the film ecosystem. As a cultural activity, BISFF also initiates discussion rooms, holds workshops, parallel activities related to the community directly as well as film screenings and awards for selected films.

First held in early 2020, BISFF started with regional activities in Indonesia under the name FFSM (Festival Film Sineas Mahasiswa / Student Film Cinema Festival). This festival was stopped due to the Pandemic in 2020, but is still holding online activities with the theme Open Art and Cinema Summer Program which will be held in June 2021 and 2022 in collaboration with Uniwersytet Artystyczny im. Magdaleny Abakanowicz w Poznaniu, Poland, The Asien-Africa Institute of Universitat Hamburg, Germany and Rumah Budaya Indonesia (Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen) in Berlin, Germany.

Starting in 2023 FFSM transform into BISFF and raised the theme “Andragogy” as a common thread of ideas that will be raised in the next 10 years.

Andragogy: Students and Film Festivals

Since the 70s the term “andragogy” has been increasingly used by adult educators in Europe, America and Asia. Towards the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century several psychologists conducted experimental research on learning theory even though at that time they used animals as experimental objects. The use of animals as experimental objects is based on the idea that if animals whose intelligence is considered low can carry out learning theory experiments, then it is certain that these experiments can also apply and even be more successful in humans, because humans are more intelligent than animals.

Etymologically, andragogy comes from the Latin “andros” which means adult and “agogos” which means to lead or serve. Andragogy as the art and science of helping students (adults) to learn (the science and arts of helping adults learn). It is different from pedagogy because this term can be interpreted as the art and science of teaching children (pedagogy is the science and arts of teaching children). Adults are not only seen from a purely biological point of view, but also from a social and psychological perspective. Biologically, a person is called an adult if he has been able to reproduce. Socially, a person is called an adult if he has carried out the social roles that are usually assigned to adults. Psychologically, a person is said to be an adult when he has responsibility for life and the decisions he makes.

In this context, the term “andragogy” becomes an approach for film activists, in the process of distributing works in a festival. As we all know, film has become one of the sub-sectors of the creative economy that has been developed in Indonesia. This is shown by the increasing number of films produced in Indonesia in the last 10 years. This symptom is also shown by the emergence of study programs or study interests in universities that promote film science in Indonesia, one of which is Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). Since 2019, UPI has opened a Film and Television study program under the Faculty of Art and Design Education (FPSD). This study program was opened to answer and meet the needs of the community in the process of creating and scientific study of moving images in Indonesia, especially in the city of Bandung.

In the process of scientific development, it is necessary to make a plan for the process of distributing the works produced every year. So the term “Andragogy” was chosen as a big idea related to organizing a film festival which includes a learning process, especially from young film practitioners who are in the process. BISFF 2023 is a form of learning outcomes distribution process that takes place for every actor involved in it, not only students with film knowledge, but this festival is also open to other students who have an interest in the aesthetic production process of moving images.

Festival Director
Nala Nandana Undiana

Judging Coordinator
Erik Muhammad Paurizi
Hery Supiarza
Dedi Warsana
Irwan Sarbeni

Artistic Director
Salsa Solli Nafsika

Apsari Azimat Pertiwi

Finance and Business Development
Harry Tjahtjodiningrat

Public Relation
Dwi Anggyan
Syavirah Jenabbiah Mansyur

Event Manager
Sabda Pandita Panca Prasada
Aditya Irawan
Dheva Anugrah Putra Pamungkas

Website & Social Media
Daang Anzala Ajra

Riziq Hari Ferlito
Jonatan Ardia

Rd. Reihan A. Bratasoerja

Liaison Officer Manager
Tarisa Amani Rastiwa
Nayladiva Intan Putri Adam

Parallel Event Manager
Arsya Ardiansyah 
Fauzan Akmal
Fairuz Salsabila

Submission is Closed!